Up in the Air

Up in the Air poetry book

A Top Ten bestseller in the Amazon ‘Inspirational Poetry’ category, Up in the Air explores our connection with the natural world, love and relationships, and the things that save and inspire us. Through themes of flight, image, ice and water, these poems explore the idea that our deeper connections with the world can only ever be understood, or felt, in glimpses – and that poetry is one of the best ways of having those glimpses.

What the reviewers say:

“Beautiful and thought-provoking collection of poems that speak of life, death, love and nature…” 5 stars, Amazon UK

I love this book. I keep it at my bedside to read a passage or two before getting up to start my day or at night before the lights go out. It starts or ends my day or sometimes both.” 4 stars, Amazon.com

“I loved the variety in the poetry, from beautifully descriptive to those which reflect one’s own feelings. Who could read “Flight” or “Necessity” without remembering similar thoughts and experiences?” 5 stars, Amazon UK

Here’s two poems from the collection:

Poetry Up in the Air: The Touch of Birds

Buy your copy here.