Tag Archives: spooky season

Alice and the Broken Dead – out now!

It’s release day!!

Alice and the Broken Dead out now

The latest Ghosts of Alice novel, Alice and the Broken Dead, is out now!

I’d been planning to get it out at the start of October, well in time for Halloween – and thankfully, despite a few set backs, I’ve made it!

So what’s in store for our intrepid ghost-whisperer Alice next?

Well, it starts with Alice happy – very happy – standing in the Himalayas watching the sunrise over the mountains. Of course, as you’d expect, things can only go downhill – literally 😊 – from there, but at least she gets her moment of perfection. (I sometimes wonder about writers, locking themselves away all day, dreaming up torturous scenarios for their characters…)

Here’s the full blurb to whet your appetite:

She realised the emotion on his face was something else altogether…Fear.
Nicholas lifted his arm and pointed at her.
‘What?’ said his mother. ‘What is it, Nicholas?’
‘Her,’ he said. ‘It was her.’

Having lost her job at the Trust for England, Alice heads to India via Nepal to help a wealthy family beset by disturbing paranormal phenomena. She is soon embroiled in a strange and terrifying mystery. Who – or rather what – is bringing the family to breaking point, smashing things in their state-of-the-art house and threatening the couple and their two children?

Increasingly thwarted in her attempts to understand the destructive entity, Alice resorts to a wild scheme – one that threatens to bring more tragedy in its wake.

Has she made a terrible mistake?

Perfect to get you in the mood for Spooky Season!

Click here to view it on Amazon – and if you do read it please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews make a huge difference in getting the books you love in front of other readers – which helps me to keep writing books. 😉

Thanks – and happy (?!) reading! 😱

What I’m writing now… plus a Halloween Sale!

Now that we’re properly into the spooky season, read on for an update on my latest ghost story as well as for details of my Halloween sale.

The Girl in the Ivory Dress Halloween sale

What I’m writing now

I’ve started writing the third Ghosts of Alice story, with a working title of Alice and the Devil. What’s interesting about this story is that I normally start with an outline plot but this time I’m writing as a pantser, as it’s informally known in the trade. Most writers are plotters, but there are a few (including some pretty significant ones) who just start off with a premise and see where it takes them. Stephen King is possibly the most famous of these.

Normally, I work out a clear path from start to finish involving some major ‘set’ scenes. My plot it usually fairly skeletal and I do regularly change things as I progress – but I always have that overarching sense of direction. But this time I’ve got the premise and the scenes but couldn’t fully grasp the ending, so I’ve started writing and am seeing where it leads me. The worry is that I end up in a dead end that takes a huge amount of rewriting. But I have to say it’s going well so far and I’m almost halfway through (I think!). Let’s see what happens…

Ghost of Alice Halloween sale

Both The Boy in the Burgundy Hood and The Girl in the Ivory Dress are reduced from £3.99 / $4.99 to 99p / 99c on Kindle from now until Halloween – over a 75% reduction! Scroll to the end of this post for the link straight to the Amazon page.

The Boy in the Burgundy Hood Halloween sale

Plus… advance warning of The Secret of the Tirthas promo campaign

And another heads up – I’m running a major Kindle promotion of The Secret of the Tirthas around November 11th. The first book in the series, The City of Light, will be free and there will be discounts on one or two of the next books!

I wish you a suitably creepy Halloween – and as ever, thank you for reading!